Then press ENTER . enter the desired screen number. at a specified location, To re-enter a Project ADVANCED RE-ENTRY MENU.EXE WINDOW Yes WINDOW ANSWER AUTHOR'S JUDGMENT 1900 WINDOWS 3:7, David 1:18, death, Hades WINDOWSANSWER WINDOW ANSWER ANSWER WINDOW AUTHORITY and NATIONS in both cases. WINDOWS ANSWER 'Only HOLD ON to what you have until I COME.' ANSWER WINDOWS Yes No 'I will REPAY each of you according to your DEEDS.' B. Nicolaitans 1. 2:6 2. Jezebel A. throne, lives 1. b 1.b 2.a A. 2 B. Philadelphia (3:9) C. second ANSWER WINDOW 2. b. 1. '... the tree of life and eat, ...' B. '... the tree of life.' ANSWER WINDOW city itself lies in ruins. Christian church there; the ancient in the city of Ephesus. There is no 2. The light of the gospel has gone out 1. b. A. lampstand ANSWER WINDOW R-ENTRR-SCRNMENUEXITAWINDOPress F1 for Answer WindowPress ENTER to continue.Press ENTER to return to DOS. END OF PROJECT 030: LETTERS (Analysis) * * * * * or A/B=B/C. is A:B::B:C, or A is to B as B is to C, then the grammatical structure of this text d. ___ If A=believer, and B=Jesus, and C=Father, the Father. c. ___ We are related to Christ as Christ is related to b. ___ The reward Jesus attained we will also attain. a. ___ Jesus is the pattern or paradigm for our salvation. reasonable interpretations of 3:21. (YES or NO) prove difficult -- and indicate whether they are Study the following statements very carefully -- they may 2. 3:21 is a truly remarkable promise! Screen # 16 (Laodicea continued)zgfedcba g. ___ to sit with me f. ___ and sat down with my Father e. ___ I will give the right d. ___ on my throne c. ___ on his throne b. ___ to him who overcomes a. ___ just as I overcame When finished, enter z in the box. Enter a LETTER in the box; a NUMBER in the blank. Number them in proper order. 1. Unscramble the sentence fragments to reassemble 3:21. C. Jesus' Promise (3:21-22)Screen # 15 (Laodicea continued) 5. ___ pitiful 10. ___ wretched 4. ___ naked 9. ___ well-clothed 3. ___ envied 8. ___ seeing 2. ___ contented 7. ___ rich 1. ___ blind 6. ___ poor Select all the items by which Christ describes them (3:17). perceived themselves and the way Christ perceived them. B. There was a sharp difference in the way the people of LaodiceaScreen # 14 (Laodicea continued) (Laodicea continued next screen.) d. It is the same as Colossians. c. It is the letter we know as Philemon. b. It is the circular letter we know as Ephesians. a. It was lost. letter to the Laodiceans? ___ What do you think may have happened to Paul's 2. Compare Colossians 2:1 and Colossians 4:16. ___ a. Miletus b. Colossae c. Antioch To what neighboring church had Paul written a letter? Locate Laodicea. 1. Consult a map of Paul's third missionary journey. A. Background Exercises. VII. LAODICEAScreen # 13 Enter 90 , 900 , or 1900 . was written? About how many years has it been now since this promise C. I Am Coming Soon (3:11) 5. ___ It will come just before the end of the world. 4. ___ Jesus will protect the Philadelphian Christians. 3. ___ It will come only upon Christians. 2. ___ It will come upon the whole world. 1. ___ It will come upon everybody living on earth. Select one or more on the basis ONLY of this verse. B. The Hour of Trial (3:10)Screen # 12 (Philadelphia continued) b. ___ Opportunity of service to others. a. ___ Entry into the kingdom of God. 4. In 3:8 the open door probably means: also controls access to the kingdom of God. b. ___ Yes, the same key which controls access to Hades death and Hades are plural. a. ___ No, the key of David is singular, the keys of 3. Are these two sets of keys the same for Jesus? In 3:7, Jesus has the key of ______ . 2. In 1:18, Jesus has the keys of ______ and ______ .Screen # 11 (Philadelphia continued) (Philadelphia continued next screen.) (4) Palace Administrator (3) Hezekiah (2) Eliakim (1) Control who enters the palace. d. ___ The function of the key-holder. c. ___ The title of the man who has the key. b. ___ The man to whom the key is to be given. a. ___ The king of Judah at this time. Read Isaiah 22:20-22, 36:3, and match the lists. 1. Old Testament allusions A. The Key of David (3:7) VI. PHILADELPHIAScreen # 10 c. Figurative: the list of those who will live forever. b. The list of church members. a. The book of Genesis in the Bible. 3. ___ What is meant by 'the book of life' (3:5)? ruin them. b. Jesus is looking for a secret opportunity to not wake up. a. Jesus will take away their lampstand if they do 2. ___ Jesus' point is: a. merchant b. king c. thief d. prophet himself to a: 1. ___ In 3:3 Jesus warns the church in Sardis by comparing V. SARDISScreen # 9 through the life and testimony of Christians. e. ___ The gospel will exert power within nations Christ even in ungodly countries. d. ___ Christians will be given power to live for resist the power of nations which oppose faith. c. ___ Christians will be given spiritual strength to the nations of the world. b. ___ The Christian Church as a whole will dominate political rulers. a. ___ Christians will become Presidents, kings, or Select one or more. (Press ENTER to bypass.) phrase, 'authority over the nations' in Rev. 2:26? following conclusions express the meaning of the 3. Taking Matthew 28:18 into consideration, which of the Screen # 8 (Thyatira continued) me. Therefore go and make disciples of all ________.' 'All __________ in heaven and on earth has been given to 2. Complete a parallel passage: Matthew 28:18. the end, I will give __________ over the _________ .' 1. Complete 2:26, 'To him who overcomes and does my will to C. Consider the meaning of 'authority' in 2:26-27.Screen # 7 (Thyatira continued) (Thyatira continued next screen.) f. ___ Don't be conservative. e. ___ Make your church services fun. d. ___ Be sure to have programs for the young people. c. ___ Increase your membership 10% next year. b. ___ By all means win people. a. ___ If your church doesn't grow, it will die. legitimately derived from this advice. Enter YES or NO. Show whether or not the following applications can be 2. This is interesting ecclesiology! 'Only ________ to what you have until I ______.' 1. Complete 2:25, B. What advice does Jesus give to this church in Thyatira?Screen # 6 (Thyatira, continued) (Thyatira continued next screen) e. ___ The Lord does reward righteousness. d. ___ The Lord does punish sin. c. ___ People get what they deserve. b. ___ Jesus is always ready to forgive. a. ___ We must earn our way into heaven. Enter YES or NO. legitimately be drawn (from this principle ONLY). 2. Show whether or not the following conclusions can 'I will ______ each of you according to your _______.' 1. Complete: principle governing his judgments. A. In the last part of 2:23 Jesus expresses the ethical IV. THYATIRAScreen # 5 Who is mentioned as the leader of that group? ________. Thyatira letter (2:20 ff.) is to the same group. 2. In addition, it is thought that the reference in the Find and enter the reference: _____ 1. Jesus mentions this sect in one other letter. N____________ (2:15). in Pergamum is that it has some members who are B. Complete: One of the criticisms Jesus makes of the church for emperor worship. b. The city was the official headquarters in Asia a. Pergamum was an extremely wicked city. 1. ___ Which of the following is the more likely? 'where Satan has his _______,' and 'where Satan ______' (2:13). A. Complete: Jesus refers to the city of Pergamum as the city III. PERGAMUMScreen # 4 b. It isn't so bad to have to die twice. need not fear going to hell. a. Even though a Christian dies in this world, he 2. ___ The promise to Smyrna therefore means: b. Hell (eternal death) a. Dying a second time, like Lazarus (John 11:43) what do you think 'second death' means? 1. ___ If 'first death' means ordinary death, by the ________ death' (2:11). C. Complete: 'He who overcomes will not be hurt at all Find and enter the reference: ______ B. Jesus uses this term in another letter. 1. the paradise of God (2:7) or 2. a synagogue of Satan (2:9). A. ___ What does Jesus call the unconverted Jewish community? II. SMYRNAScreen # 3 live forever. b. Everyone who remains faithful to Christ will a. Every Christian becomes like Adam or Eve. 2. ___ The promise to Ephesus therefore means: and ____ , and live forever.' reach out his hand and take also from the tree of _____ of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to 'And the Lord God said, The man has now become like one 1. This promises to reverse Genesis 3:22 (complete): to eat from the tree of _____' (2:7). B. Complete: The promise 'to him who overcomes' is 'the rightScreen # 2 Ephesus survive throughout history to the present day? Did this ever occur, that is, did the church in 2. Optional Research Project: c. To remove the preacher from the church. b. To allow the church itself to disappear. a. To take away the gospel. 1. ___ What does it mean to remove the lampstand? threatening to remove their ____________ (2:5). A. Complete: The one standing among the lampstands is I. EPHESUS Screen # 1 4. Enter the number of the screen you desire, press ENTER. 3. Press the F5 key (advanced Re-ENTRy), 2. When returning, access Project 030 normally. 1. Remember your screen number (jot it down!) by following these steps: you may re-enter at that point If you must quit before finished, Project 030 is very long. NOTE PROJECT 030: Screens 1 - 16 Press F5 then ENTER for advanced ReENTRy. Press F4 then ENTER to Restart SCReeN. Press F3 then ENTER for Project MENU. Press F2 then ENTER to return to DOS. Press F1 then ENTER for Answer WINDOw. The menu at the bottom of the screen means: HELP Reading for this Project: Revelation 2 - 3. ( Screens 1 - 6 ) LETTERS (Analysis) PROJECT 030 specifics in the letters. Project 030 will select and examine numerous seven letters in broad perspective. The preceding Project compared the